Well, here we are again. It's 5th January 2025, and it's been a year almost to the day since my last blog post! But I have a confession to make ~ I didn't publish the last one. I wrote it, published it, and then decided to unpublish it! I think because at the time I felt I couldn't commit to writing a blog post regularly.
Here's the thing ~ I still can't commit! And I'm not promising to.
And actually, I have come to appreciate that... that's OK. I'm not seeking perfection. I'm not looking to write something every week, perhaps not even every month! Let's face it, there are enough pressures in life. But I do have an itch to write and share some of my musings with whoever is happy to read them...
So here I am.
Reading back on my last post from a year ago, I am happy to note that not much has changed and my thoughts on making New Year's Resolutions still hold true. As in: I don't even make them.
Instead, I continue to create intentions ~ gentle aims of, say, activities I'd like to pursue, or subjects I'd like to learn more about.... With a strong focus on the word "gentle" ~ there is no pass or fail here.
"Gentle" is my word for 2025. Life was busy in 2024, too busy (often in a fun way, to be fair!), and this is something I would like to change. I know in my soul I want ~ need ~ to recalibrate, rebelance, and create more space, calm and rest.
I am aiming to gently weave in more movement to my week, through a mix of strength training, a new dance class, and slow, stretchy (gentle!)nourishing yoga, as well as inviting in more meditation and yoga nidra. A good friend and I are supporting each other in our respective intentions by being each other's accountability partners ~ she is very knowledgeable in all things Ayurveda, and by supporting each other we are helping each other to create "satmya", or habits. I love this concept.
And you know what? If I have some off days when I don't quite do all the things, or the wheels fall off and life takes over for a week or two - that's OK! I'll be gentle with myself and know that I'll return to my intentions when the time is right. As I say, there is no pass or fail!
So, as we ease into the new year, please try to go slowly. There is no need for a 'new you', there is no rush to improve yourself or any aspect of your life by a certain time. There is just you, perfect as you are, right now.
Go gently with yourself.
And Happy New Year xx